Welcome to my character portrait gallery

For anyone who is wondering, Wednesday became 'black Wednesday' for me because I cannot draw mid-week!
In fact I'm sure the rainforests mourn Wednesday too by the amount of paper I tear through in frustration... so this is a blog for all who know what like it is to regularly shout at their pencils
Oh yes it's also all about fictional characters plus interviews with them, yeah, that too :)

Friday, November 2, 2012

Happy Days :D

There aren't many occassions when I can cite being truly happy for failing to provide a new bit of artwork on this blog. Glad to say this is one of them! Today I am proud to offer a photograph and present us as we are, as Mr and Mrs McNeill. I hope the word 'husband' sounds less alien soon, I've faltered a few times already when asked about the very tall man next to me.....to cite a funny comment amidst the flurry of confetti and cake, 'is Sharlene a primordial dwarf or is Jethro a giant?'

An fyi, Jethro is 6ft 7in in in his stockin boots and I a lofty 5ft 2in, tallest woman in my family i will have you know!! :P

More artwork to come in the following weeks, happy halloween everyone :)


  1. Hi Sharlene and Jethro,

    Just wrote this and lost it...so here goes again lol. You both look so happy here and it was wonderful to get the news via the lovely creative/very thoughtful card I received. It really meant a lot to me!!!!!! I spoke to your mum and hear things are going great generally....well done Sharlene!! :)
    The Japenese gardens look like an amazing location too. Congratulations for YOU making your dreams come true!! You made it happen and I wish you a future of happiness, both of you!!

    Kindest Regards and wishing you everything you could ever want in life!

    P.S. Site looks really cool too!! And yes Jethro is very tall lol!!!


  2. emphasis on card.....really made me smile!! Thank you!!!


    1. Thank you Laura!!

      Firstly lol@ 'just wrote this and lost it' - it annoys me so much when that happens to me - argh!

      Secondly I'm so glad you liked the card, it was an honour to send it. Whilst very sweet of you to put emphasis on the fact that I made my own dreams come true - yes of course if I did nothing then none of this would have happened but I couldn't have made it without the help of so many others and thus will never forget or discount all the help you gave us, so thank you again :)

      Also yes, we were so insanely happy in the above photo -that day really was magical and utterly perfect! I can happily report that the magic hasn't worn off yet. :D

      Lastly thanks for the compliments on the site, it's slowly coming along although I may be putting less art up this year as I hope to do more complex scenes and also have to split my time with another writing project and possibly some painting - oo-er it's all go for 2013!

      Hope the New Year brings good fortune your way too, you will have to keep us updated ^^

      Best wishes,

      Sharlene and Jethro xx
